Category Archives: Blog

Glass Strengthening Methods 


Introduction    Glass is an essential product used in various applications. Think of the home windows. Consider the car windows. Guess what? A mobile screen has a glass.   What if your glass breaks in a single fall? That shows you have poor-quality glass that is useless. So, what to do? How can you elevate…

Custom Tinted Glass Guide 


Introduction    Have you ever wondered about the black glasses of a car? Normally, the glass window is transparent. But people make it colorful and stylish.   Do you know how they make it colorful and stylish?   Well, the magic of the glass tinting process creates magical glass options. Customized tinting is famous for…

How Tempered Glass Breaks


Introduction    Have you seen a broken tempered glass? The very first question that flashes through my brain is:   Can tempered glass break despite such a powerful strength?   Temperature glass is one of the most powerful and prone to damage only in certain conditions. You are welcome to go to the right spot…

The Benefits and Features of Borosilicate Glass

Toughened borosilicate glass

Glass is often brittle, depending on the thickness and quality. However, many types of glass materials are long-lasting and withstand harsh environments.   One of those top choices is borosilicate glass, which has astonishing features and nurtures the next-level performance in the glass industry.   Do you want to know the borosilicate glass’s composition, features,…