The Benefits and Features of Borosilicate Glass

Toughened borosilicate glass

Glass is often brittle, depending on the thickness and quality. However, many types of glass materials are long-lasting and withstand harsh environments.   One of those top choices is borosilicate glass, which has astonishing features and nurtures the next-level performance in the glass industry.   Do you want to know the borosilicate glass’s composition, features, and positive points? If yes, this guide is for you, and we will discuss the features and benefits in detail. Let’s disclose some real-time discussion.   What is borosilicate glass? Borosilicate glass is one of the best types, and it comes in handy with excellent resistance features. Apart from nurturing durability, this glass material is…

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Screen Printing vs Digital Printing on Glass

ガラス_ダスト_フリー_ワークショップ シルクスクリーン印刷

Glass customization in the design is quite efficient. But nowadays, you can see a variety of printing on glass materials. Some have floral designs. Some glass materials comprise the 3D texture.   Have you ever wondered about the printing processes transforming dream designs into reality? They are none other than the printing technologies such as screen printing and digital printing.   Today, we will discuss screen printing vs. digital printing and understand which method is better for which scenarios.   Let’s plunge into the facts.   What is Glass Screen Printing? How does it Work? Screen Printing is a traditional printing method that utilizes the screen concept. For example, you…

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What does a UV filter do?


Are you a photographer? Turning heads to quality photos can make you famous. But there is a question— does a camera make a good quality photo?   Good-quality cameras are effective at capturing clearer and sharper photos. Sometimes, the clean images come with a blue haze, especially during the daylight.   Have you ever wondered about the reason behind the blue haze in the images? Today, we will discuss the blue haze and understand how the UV filter can block this blue haze.   What is a UV filter? What does it do? A UV filter is all about the title. Think for a moment. What can a filter do?…

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Oleophobic vs Hydrophobic Glass Coatings


Suppose you go to the bath and need to receive a phone call. It is urgent and essential. How will you do that? Your hands are wet now. Don’t worry; the hydrophobic screen glass of smartphones can make this happen. Even if your hands are dipped in the oil, oleophobic glass coatings can never disappoint you. Do you want to know about oleophobic and hydrophobic glass coatings? Today we will shed light on the Oleophobic vs Hydrophobic Glass Coatings and discuss which is better for you.  What is oleophobic glass coating? Disintegrate the words into the alphabet and understand the meaning. Oleo means oil—phobic means to hate or repel. Can…

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なぜガラスの種類が必要なのでしょうか? スマートフォンや自動車のミラーに関しては、ガラスは最高の部品として際立っています。しかし、粉々に砕けてしまうことが、遭遇する最も重大な問題です。各ガラスの種類の特徴を支配し、変更するために、私たちは2つの主要なガラスの種類に出会いました。1つは強化ガラスで、もう1つは化学強化ガラスです。今日は、比較を明らかにし、どのガラスの種類があなたのアプリケーションに最も適しているかを説明します。ガラス強化とは何ですか? ガラス強化は、高熱を利用してガラスを強化し、より頑丈にします。ガラスを600〜700°Cで加熱します…

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建設業界や自動車業界では、ガラス材料を過度に使用することができます。携帯電話のディスプレイガラスにもガラス材料が使用されています。業界で使用されているさまざまな種類のガラスについて疑問に思ったことはありますか? 100%の透明度と品質を備えたガラスはありますか?今日は、トップガラス材料である低鉄ガラスと標準透明ガラスについて説明します。両方の材料は、違いと使用例により、トップの競争相手として際立っています。低鉄ガラスとは何ですか?低鉄ガラスは、酸化鉄含有量を取り除いた後に標準透明ガラスから製造される特殊なタイプです。鉄含有量が多いため、ガラス材料に緑がかった色合いが与えられます。…

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